Detailed instructions on how to register an account

There are two options of initial account registration: “Register as existing customer” and “Register as a new customer”.

The only difference between these two options is that in “Register as existing customer” you can use your Invoice, Linde Order or Linde Delivery Note numbers to find the information about you in our database for further creation of the account.

To register a new Linde account, you will first have to choose between Personal and Business account type. If you are Sole Proprietor, or you plan to make purchases for Corporation, Ltd Company, Partnership or Cooperative type of business, please choose Business account type.

Please note, that it is necessary to fill in the fields marked with an asterik (*) to create a new account.

To get the Branch Code*, you must first fill in the Postal Code* field and click the "Select Store" button.

Then, in the pop-up window, select the store closest to you:

By default, "Delivery address is the same as the above" checkbox is ticked.

Please, make sure that the Delivery Address is the same as Invoice Address. Otherwise, please, untick the above-mentioned checkbox and change the Address Details.

If you would like to receive your invoices electronically, you need first to tick the checkbox "Yes, I would like to receive my invoices electronically" and then fill in the fields eBilling Email and Confirm eBilling Email.

To complete the account creation, you have to agree to the Terms and Conditions and accept the Data Privacy Policy by ticking the appropriate checkboxes:

Please, double-check the entered information before clicking the "Complete account opening" button.

After the successful registration you will receive a welcome message to your email and will be forwarded to a page informing that "Your account has been activated":

Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems registering on our website.